Benedict Omenogor

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Benedict Omenogor
Thursday 7 April 2022

The Girl I Called My Boo

In the dairy of her heart

My name found a place, 

In the pages of her attention

I found her affection

Sugar, Boo, Darling and Bestie,

I was the best thing 

That happened to her! 

She's my air and my treasure

My smile and my flavour 

She's my gem and my pride

My potpourri and my shine 

If this is not love

Then tell me what it is...

Suddenly, I fell, 

I fell like a star from space

And I lost my place,

My world collapsed 

And everything changed

Someone told me I'm stinking

Someone told me I'm expired

Someone told me I'm substandard...


It was the girl I called my Boo!

I suddenly became a dung

In the eyes of someone dear to me

I was no longer her spec 

And was below her class

And now, 

She sings her love song 

With tears streaming down her eyes

She goes on her knees 

And pleads from her soul 


Her love has returned from exile,

In search of the rejected one

But, why did It return now

That I've regained my throne?

Why did It return now

That I'm back on my feet? 

Why now? 

When I needed her the most 

She left me,

When I pleaded with her 

She mocked me 

In my pain and shame

I found someone...

I found someone,

Who was eyes to me,

When I couldn't see 


Who accepted me for who I was


Who believed in me

When I never believed in myself,

I found someone 

Who gave my life a meaning,


Beyond the description of words...

All the while, I was deceived: 

I was deceived to have found love:

I was deceived by no one else 

But you

Your love was based on the size of my pocket

And the generosity of my hands 

You valued money above my care and sacrifice

No wonder, I was the best thing 

That happened to you...

Sadly it's too late...

It's too late 

To come back into my life,

For another has taken your place;

My wife to be 

And the one to bear my children

It's too late 

To come back into my life...

How can I dethrone 

Someone who love me 

When I was all alone?

How can I dethrone someone

Who's value is inestimable?

How can I dethrone someone 

A billion men will wish to have?

It's too late to come back into my life...

I hope you'll find love and be loved,

Love stays even when it's stale,



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