Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu

Biography: A renowned Poet and also a prolific writer who has contributed alot in world Poetry at large. Many of his works have been published in the sun magazine, The New Yorker, spillwords in New York, premium times Lagos, and hello poetry etc. He is currently a student of International relations in the Nigerian Army University Biu, Borno state.

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Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


The old days predict better yesterday

The previous, was an awful yesterday

We hoped the hardship will end yesterday 

Here we are in terrible calamity today

The present adversity is more than the past

War, looting and corruption has erect her mast 

Imagine Nigeria is now desolate

Paupers daily seek to relocate

Oh Nigeria, my Nigeria is dying 

Oh my Leaders are you truly trying?

All the promised futures are now futile 

Were they crushed by a giant reptile? 

If all these days were part of futile futures 

Does tomorrow truly has good future?

Oh Nigeria

My Nigeria

Place of deadly leisure

Ah, Nigeria unknown future

©Yaksport Josiah



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