Chuks Moks

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Chuks Moks
Friday 5 April 2024

Body shaming

Can I be real??? I mean can I confess???

I used to outline people!!!
Saying that that girl over there she´s Kinda psycho, that dude over there got Anger issues,
U see that one izza fornication, oh really tell me more,
It´s amazing how we became criminal judges n say detectives
When the redemption story clear stipulates that God came to save all that was lost,
Doesn´t that include bad guys too???

Anyways, in popular parler we call that amebo n gossip,
Ohhh ohhhh y´all didn´t know that men gossip too (giggles)
Una never jam
Well, thank God old things passed away n we put on the new
Else i´d have probably outlined you, you, you n yes you...lolllzzz

The awesomeness about the new life is that there´s a New outlining,
We outline according to our manuel, the word, the Bible,
So now when I look at a girl, I stare n behold the wonder of the incredible God,
Who took out time to carve every curve making sure that the shape is so captivating even if she doesn´t twerk, (lolllzzz)
A smile alone is mesmerizing i am lost under her spell... you gerrit

N when I see a man, I see God´s authority for leadership... wait y´all expecting more??? Well Amaka disappoints

The point is we are all made in God´s image,
Anytime you feel confused just go back to the word n flip from page to page,
N your réflection will résonate all over again,
So never let another body shame you,
Coz nobody did shape you,
If they got a problem they should report to the creator n not the création
We are all living epistles, so henceforth
Let´s be careful how n what we write... shalom


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