Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Monday 30 August 2021


Man's underhandedness

Nature's most made

Nigerians of my time

Are brave drudgers

Vibrant visionaires

Partakers in the new world 

They are worn audience

At a dead stage 

Of crook comedians

With bleak suspense

Spawning sweat

Like heat of sun 

Quick to ajudge

Quick to forgo 

Nigerians of my time

Will set a wild fire 

That goes out 

By drop of little water

Yet they will vote the devil

A thousand-time 

And go on 

With bright complaining smiles

Perpendicular followers 

Disgruntled in the pace 

Broken to promises 

Pacified by hope 

Poor Nigerians of my time

Who have no say in the matter 

The goal of greatness 

Is leaders' and the led 

But Nigerians of my time

Whenever ready

Can achieve any goal 

And ethnic bigots 

Religious extremists

In whose cyclone 

The Nigerians of my time 

Are spinning 

And shall spin to safety!

           -poems of Collins Aiterebhe


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