Iviero Stella

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Iviero Stella
Sunday 13 January 2019

Characters from the Grave

Was I too stupid to trust him?.
Was I foolish to believe in his false tales of love that even Adam could not give.
True.....I was lost in the glamour of his heavily built arms, broad chest and sugar coated tongue to see the truth in far away Canaan.
Credit to whom?, my friends whose extravagant lifestyles became the bait? or to myself who turned overnight a vessel of greed?

Pouch chains and handbag I carried and reverenced more than the words of those old prophets and holy beings.

Hotel rooms became where I found solace. The peace I get from here.... even the church's can't compare.

Tales to me became histories carefully crafted in lies.
Fabricated stories of all ages.
Fictions and I deny even the little bits of faction.

Well even my mother's prayer could not save me, as her thirst for the things of the rich clouded the key prayer points.

I'm a slay queen because I have defiled all boundaries and I chose the language of top notch clothes and shoes above my soul.

Little did I know that I couldn't compare to the beauty and brains of those chickens slaughtered during Christmas.

I'm the scapegoat
I'm the sacrificial lamb
My privates hold the key to their wealth.
I'm now the most sought-after.
Where would I hide myself?
Is it in my coffin and shallow grave.

I wished I had listened to the teachings of the teacher man
I was too blinded my the beauty of the Lexus 330

I wished I listened to the homily of the poor old preacher man

I thought even God wanted us to Grove, little wonder Jesus turned water into wine.
For God so loved the world he gave his begotten son, the rest you know

The black Benz in particular was my focus .

Now, even the tattered sister Amaka,
The ugly ugochi, the akara seller and mazi chinedu the renowned drunkard is here to say eyah...

They have gathered to say in unison " I told her but she wouldn't listened"

It's true that I have no voice,my killers are within now I turn over to the inevitable wrath of sin.

To the renowned judge who makes no mistake.
Speak out, send my warnings
Tell the tales of the one who speaks and seeks vengeance from far beyond
The one who is not pure
Call the saint's intervention to my aid
O holy father, I am lost between two realms am not fit to be part of any....
My tears are not water,
I do not cry for waste
I cry because I can't speak to you anymore


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