Victor Ogan

Victor Ogan's Profile

Victor Ogan
Sunday 28 February 2021


If life was easy

Wishes would come true

If life was easy

One won't have to work hard

If life was easy

One can easily control his thoughts and feelings

If life was easy

Every question one asked will be answered

If life was easy

We'll have all our desires at our beck and call

If life was easy

One won't have to go through years of rigorous training and learning just to become something in life

If life was easy

I'd have all the knowledge I need

If life was easy

Creativity will be as easy as the air I breathe

If life was easy

I'd have one or two life changing inventions to my name

If life was easy

I'd be at the Top of Forbes Magazine

If life was easy

Man would have wings to fly

If life was easy

No one would make mistakes

If life was easy

Then man would live forever

If life was easy

Then it wouldn't be so unpredictable

If life was easy

Then it wouldn't be so complicated

If life was easy

Then it wouldn't be interesting


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