Olukemi Omoyeni

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Olukemi Omoyeni
Saturday 23 March 2024


we imagine hades,

Where all demons go.

As an opulent lady with a glow,

Still scrabblig for relevance in this globe.

Relevance? Woman? Uncalled for!

A stare to imagine the nakedness,

Thats all you will notice.

The woman gets bizzare,

ruthless, and crooked,

Are you negroid?

how negroid?

Are you of my clan and kinship?

No, I am human-that's my feedback.

This spot of mine was your status qou,

Now your craving is totally saturated,

And your belly protruding,

But this i shall relieve,

I am on the eve,

I no longer cringe nor cleave.

I am on the eve of a revolution,

This strait and penury will all be gone,

This poverty that kicked my breast as I moan,

With my reinment dangling on my neck torn.

I am not your clansman,

Swear? No, not even in any span.

I won't swear to being your clansman, changing my identity to be gratified

You may turn your back and go on rampage,

I won't speak your language,

I don't oscillate to be guaged,

I am just human.

If I need solace and soothing, grant me don't gum,

Let not this corrigendum become an addendum,

I may be glued to the wall as I writhe now,

But I am on the eve of affluence and opulence,

Though nothing has changed as I envisioned,
But by tomorrow, by tomorrow.  


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