SaintDiamond Great

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SaintDiamond Great
Saturday 20 April 2024

Niggers’ Paradise

I met the king of the universe

at Ulaanbaatar

Near One man village

in Masaka

And his godship, Eze

Gburugburu 001

of Idare

With Sarki Duniya 002

of Agassama –

Standing breathless, I said,

What agwan? Then he

raised a red spear

saying, “I want to be

the Africa President:”

To be the world president

is not as glamorous or


As being the Africa


Obongowo, I said:

What is your aim?

Let me tell you,

he said-

imperial presidency:

I would be like the Africa


With monarchical power

to do and undo!

Everybody go no say

na my “turn” be that

I will knackana

wetin no good:

I would create a mafia state

with jagala and jogodo

mafia cliques

And rugged niggers

from the red chamber

Of the red sea

who would punish

Any erring Ningi

who would reveal the

known secret-

They would run you street

no matter who you are.     


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