Sunday Akinbamido

Biography: Sunday Yemi Akinbamido is an erudite Programmer, a Poet and Preacher of the good news. His philosophy of life is based on the phrase "you can't take it with you", "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." 1 Timothy 6:7 -KJV.

Sunday Akinbamido's Profile

Sunday Akinbamido
Thursday 12 August 2021

Never' Never Land

We shall meet in never-never land,

Though we hid our feelings,

Waving our way through the lounge,

Heading towards an ever' ever goals.

We shall meet in never-never land

Where Wind never blew hot,

Where Sun never-never set,

Where Rose ever' ever blossom.  

We shall meet in never-never land

Holding her soft hands,

Gambolling, like a lamb in meadow

As her sweetened voice set in an ever' ever smile.

We shall meet in never-never land,

As we cruise on, unraveling the mystery.

Reading through the huge book, that nature and her

Have written in my ever ever mind.

We shall meet in never' never land,

As she deeps my hands into the ink pot.

And inscribed her name boldly on mine mind wallpaper.

And it's merry-making in never-never land.


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