Kehinde-Margret Makinde

Kehinde-Margret Makinde's Profile

Kehinde-Margret Makinde
Sunday 11 February 2024

Harmony of Life's Calabash

Description: Engage in this mystical journey with the Apprentice’s where Path is a glitter of mystic contagion and peace in Earth’s sacred scroll


In the calabash of life, 

a profound journey unfolds 

as the space

gracefully passes the baton 

in the art of apprenticeship. 

Success resonates like a fine chant, 

akin to the resonance of the four-lobed kola nut 

the water that flows, 

immersing its feet

into gin and tradition.

The apprentice, 

the Soldier's seed, 

navigates the delicate balance 

between the sun's dreams

and the moon's ways. 

Hips sway 

after the clover of the stars, 

creating a dance

that echoes the celestial rhythm,

Taking nature in the fashion it is.

Within energy’s forte, 

the apprentice remains steadfast, 


by the mystic's contagion. 

Breeze gently gives life to the air, 

ensuring that peace

never topples over, 

while the living

is meticulously scripted 

in the sealed scroll of existence

The Apprentice knew anew.

In the scroll 

where life is inscribed, 

the celestial and clay beings converge. 

The earth walks ways 

where water was weaned

before birth, 

guiding life in eleven directions —

 light, lead, love, logic, luxury,

and power 

flavored on six sticks of nature.


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