Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Thursday 29 October 2020


Sine aspect rush of hardened slabs
Howl sprawl with diving stripes
Overseeing eyes of the gods
Plough over towns; downs of cities
And surfing and dining with snow-white sky
Along stony coast of the savanna
Your beauty unyielding
Spurts across arid paths; arid borderways
With counter-rhythmic respite
You fell in a sinusoidal-wavy gorge
Into the deep clutch of heights
You have not wane nor wither
Foxy Mambila; alluring like Habila
Cute cartel, bride; ever young
I love the siesta lull at your feet
The warmth of your evening dryness
I love your cynosures of ridges and climbing hills
Cresending Numan; across Jos Plateau 
Leaving the plungy harmony of the cactus
And diving far, far and beyond places beyond
About this country, something is beautiful
But we become a moon in the bucket of unsteady waters
Wild creatures preying its own
Only you Mambila is forever peace! 


                 -poems of Collins Aiterebhe


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