Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Friday 2 October 2020


I still remember you always 

They just don't go

Your lush hair

Combed in styling waves

Dark upon you

Like twigs of the jacarady


Fairest of all; yellow melanin

As such in those days

I no longer stroll the sea shore

To pick fish from weary fishermen

Battling with tawny nets

Bar Beach is now a distance

Far off Ahmadu Bello Way

And you must pay to see the waves


We will abandon chores at 4

And dash off to Sand Field

To play 'monkey post'

With the lads from Apese

You were a game delight

With devoirs as you tuss the ball

Our team scammpered

The moment you demise


I never visited VISS again

Since I left her once for good

But I hear she is doing fine

And our friends at school

Have turned men with might


You will be throwing broken javelin

To hull down stubborn almond fruits

As we stroll home on school ways

About peers, we were a pair

Loafty childhood days


But We shall meet again

Reuben Ugochukwu Peter

We shall meet

At the large gathering of stars

The rainbow shall bestride us

Until then, GOODNIGHT!


          -poems of Collins Aiterebhe


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