Olukemi Omoyeni

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Olukemi Omoyeni
Tuesday 14 September 2021

The hidden force

see to the sea,

Ensure it is sealed,

We need no noise,

nor turbulence, nor unpoise,

We know our desperate desires,

But do we require what we desire?

Do we know what is treasurable?

We are sure emptily setting forth.

But there is a hidden force,

The hidden force within our claws, 

Shows us a path to life and its flaws,

It is  a burning passion, a strife,

Something that keeps calling on your life,

So quietly, but audibly.

The force that navigates quietly,

Our paths in this void and formless world.

We are born with it and the chord,

The chord you can severe but the force is unclear.

It wanes off in the course of time,

Only few hold on tight to its rhymes,

To manifest  all its glade,

Endeavour is feeble if it is a man made,

Only the hidden force creates a lasting path,

Once you lose its hoose,

Then life becomes a meaningless cruise,

No destination.

The hidden force is an eggshell, 

Do not smash it on the platter of societal and peer conformity,

Only to return murmuring angrily.


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