Emeka Williams Etumnu

Emeka Williams Etumnu's Profile

Emeka Williams Etumnu
Friday 30 October 2020

Stupid era

Many times I wonder

As the rhythm of my heart goes

Ding dong, ding dong 

I ponder

Have we all gone nuts?

Are we now robots?

Devoid of emotions

Nor human feelings

As we act stupidly

With our smart phones

When lives beg for help!

Why not a life saver 

Than paparazzi

Acting so lousy

With smart phones

Stupid era

I ponder

Many, oh many

To the morgue

'Cause we fail to act

In the scene

We act foolishly with our phones

Allowing lives evaporate

All because

We want views, 

We want comments

We want likes

Era of social media

Stupid era!

The baby in a carton crying

Yet we're videoing

Oh accident victims struggling

Yet we're snapping

Is our phone a curse,

Rather than a blessing?

I ponder

What a stupid era!

©️ *Etumnu Emeka Williams*



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