Biography: Am Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua by name from ondo State..Am an instrumentalist I played several musical instruments.. Am into a Relationship counseling, Marriage counseling, Career counseling, Family counseling..Am a music director, a listening Teacher and a poem writer also a gospel minister.


Thursday 6 May 2021

When I'm no More


Life is too short to hold everything good to yourself, 

Help people around you if it requires for you to help.

I've gone a thousand miles and find out that life has nothing to offer you,

Unless you make positive effort about what life gives you.

You lay in a field of flowers counting each bird that passes overhead.

You've erased concern and decided to live for the moment because you always would say,

 "we might be dead by tomorrow."

Soon enough the world would pass us by but I wouldn't blink because I could live off your touch for the rest of my time.

You showed me there is more in life than just one color, 

but instead, the world is a whole painting with colors that can't be described.

Flowers grew from your heart and bloomed across your lungs,

creating a garden that sang the most beautiful hymns,

while my garden was withering.

You taught me how to grow beauty from my eyes but lately, 

I've been dreaming and falling for stars.

And many years later as time starts to fly by and you slowly start to watch your clock tick down, 

you'll know where to find me, my love.

I'll be up with stars.

Somewhere lost in the cosmos when I'm no more.


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