Alexander Adewole

Biography: I am a poet of many worths An amorous quest for my heights Of many who care to listen to my thoughts I am a poet of many desires

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Alexander Adewole
Thursday 3 June 2021


They came in blackbooths
These men in black uniforms
Blurring our earlobes
Like a violent vulcano cracking in bits
And my father...oh my father
The hunted prey for their heroic spree.
They took him away in the waiting SUV.

He was a pious fellow cloaked with info
He was a down to earth man towards everyone
Sometimes we could not in prayer tell venerate him
Above his chi
We just wonder why he was taken away
Why the sheriff took him away without a word.

As we waited breathlessly, counting our lost
Then, the worst happened-

" Have you heard?". My neighbour said to me.
"Heard what?"
"Your father has been hanged".
"No, I have been reading WOLE SOYINKA".

By Adewole Alexander


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