Alexander Adewole

Biography: I am a poet of many worths An amorous quest for my heights Of many who care to listen to my thoughts I am a poet of many desires

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Alexander Adewole
Thursday 8 November 2018


They came with promises, unfettered promise
Cascading down our rivers of hope and pleasure
When lies like Oselu muttered coated words
Yet we concur and question not.
They built hope on thin air and our people
Oh the people grope around them like a nectar with million bees.
And the common man beg for survival.
Shall we continue play the fool?
Shall we seat and watch our commonwealth stolen?
We have grown walls of patience to the brim
The gush of hatred sterilized
The opaque road reignited
We have refused to be fooled again
And the waiting for his second coming
To tell us in our faces the unfettered promises once again
The promise tettered to his faked manisfestoes.

By Adewole Alexander


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