Etim ikeme

Biography: Am young but with a pen am mighty

Etim ikeme's Profile

Etim ikeme
Wednesday 7 September 2022


A fallen giant,
an overpopulated wasteland
full of homeless and ill-treated hustlers,
a place where bribery is the order of the day
but still, this is the place I call my country.
A place that once overflowed with riches
now a den of thieves and a debtor,
a complete shadow of her former self
grooming a new generation
that is slowly forgetting their heritage.
Can’t we go back?
Can’t we be called the giant of Africa once more?
or should we still wonder about suffering shame?
allowing people to live and beg on the streets
not having, even a meal in their bellies.
But still nothing will happen
if we still vote the rich, over fattened old hyenas
and allow them bring in their greedy manifestos,
with the aim of harboring all the wealth.


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