Samuel Chuku

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Samuel Chuku
Monday 30 August 2021


He winks

She smiles

Four eyes locked 

in silent, sensual convo

Drug dealer 

tucked, polished, with no creases liases

the black brown apparelled figure

baton rocking, hands twitching

for roja

I see...

As evening comes 

and amber lights sprout 

in flickers

Mothers, with babies strapped

justle for L300s

tyres worn, patched with fufu balls

made for throbbing bowels 

destined for speed bumps 

morphed into cash points

for friends in lime green

or black, 

when they wish to marry 

the night time darkness

As objects of protection

become tools for coercion

I see Lovers

on a balcony

intertwined, rocking to the pleasure beats  

of mixed body fluids

as the Commodores

fill the dark night

telling the world 

of the night shift

to tend



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