Phebe Benjamin

Biography: She is a creative writer with lots of inspirations to write. She has written several poems and has featured in Lagos Book Art Festivals, Lagos, and her works are being published in anthologies

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Phebe Benjamin
Thursday 1 October 2020


I had love Nigeria with all my heart and might

I had pledged to be faithful, loyal and honest till my night

To serve her with all my heart and strength,

Defending her unity and to uphold her glory till I rest

This was just a mouth-say

As she gives me heartbreak all day

I had a picture of the past Nigeria,

It’s a reminiscence of the blessedness of her

Now, I look into the picture of the present

She was blessed with riches of the earth; but she knew us not with her blessedness

Her leaders with their kleptomaniac pen ink down future for unborn generations. 

Inflicting pain on the masses


Her anthem is now a chorus while her pledge; a tongue-twist

I thought they say if you love someone tell them the truth

But here the truth is untold despite the love we proclaim to have

What will be of Nigeria in 2023?

A question her leaders can’t answer

I want that seasoned Nigeria

Garnished with the spices of truth, loyalty and faithfulness

Cooked in the sauce of ease for her citizens

Served on the table of no bribery and corruption

I want that seasoned Nigeria

To behold her like a mirror that reveals identity

To sing her lullaby of praise and to adore her like ornaments of gold

Can we stop the blames for her leaders; they are human?

Bound to mislead others; they gave us Nigeria as a raw food 

But the idea of cooking they lacked

We are the chefs of Nigeria; let’s add seasoning to give a taste 

That we’ll be confident to sing:

Naijiria yii, ti gbogbo wa ni

Ko ma gbodo bajee

Tori ko si ibomiran ti ale lo

Ajo ko le dabi ile

Eje ka sowopo

Ka fi imosokan

Gbe kemi gbe

Nigeria I hail thee! I see a brighter you 

In the hollow of the giants palm

For there lies the survival and a new dawn

I see a revived, renewed and remolded Nigeria


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