Gold Felix

Biography: Gold Felix is critical thinker who sees good in bad situations. I'm passionate about humanity and i staunch advocate for realism. Contact Email - Twitter- i_am_GoldFelix

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Gold Felix
Friday 1 May 2020

Lessons from the coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is almost done
But there are lessons to be learned
Though, at home we stay daily, idling away
Not knowing what our next meal would be
Like prisoners of war, we have been confined
By an insane contagion that has vowed to
End the human race
Bereaving us of the pleasures of good neighbourliness 
Stealing our freedom before our very eyes
Day after day, we quiver in shock
As cases soar
My countryman who pats my back in sympathy
When i cough, now runs for cover
Nevertheless, we must learn 

The pandemic will soon be over
But lesson learnt must be imbibed
It may have robbed us of the amusement of classroom learning
Kept our factories and worship centres under lock and key, leaving
World trade centres deserted like lonely cemeteries 
But in jealousy must we keep the practice of the hygiene 
And without neglect should we treat 
Our beloved comrades in the frontline of action
Who at the risk of their lives
Daily pay the supreme price 
In honour and glory must their names be remembered in history 

The COVID-19 pandemic has packed its luggage 
Ready for departure 
But the world must not forget that
Without regard for social status
It descended on the hispanics as it did the Caucasians and Mongoloids
Without discrimination, 
It is ravaging the blacks as well as the people of colour
A deadly virus, ruthless and devastating in form and action, yet, sensible enough to defy racial classification
Then humans must learn

The pandemic is leaving us in peace
Whether it likes it or not
But it has exposed in full glare the pains of the ordinary Nigerian
Left at the mercy of palliatives from men and women with deep pockets
In beds of constant hunger and anguish we have laid Even before the virus visited our shores. 
The pandemic didn't cause our suffering
It accentuated it
Though, those blinded by sentiments would disagree 
As well as those in the corridors of power who
Allowed themselves to be outrightly deceived By unworthy praise singers with 
No regard for truth or humanity 
But, a man of good conscience knows how helpless an ordinary Nigerian can be. 

The war against the pandemic will be won in no distance time
But it has reminded us that we need more factories than worship centres. 
More entrepreneurs than religious leaders
Who flaunt their affluence before our eyes 
Their flamboyance, night and day we toil to keep
I'm not against religion
Neither am i in support of the incessant looting in deceit
Religion is rewarding
And so is a paycheck 

The end of the pandemic is near
But it has thought us, we can only build the nation of our dreams in unison
Regardless of ethnic, religious or political affiliations. 
Haven't foods flown across borders in the course of the pandemic? 
Driven across states
And paddled across geo-political zones
From the ends of the North to the far South
From the far East to the West? 
In good spirit and brotherhood we have eaten, not minding where they are from
When and when the pandemic ends

Let it be known that in oneness, unity and courage, we fought and conquered. 


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