Apeh Ojima Alexandra

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Apeh Ojima Alexandra
Wednesday 21 October 2020



Poet:       Alexandra Apeh Ojima

Title:                Pastoral


Our eye behosted our tears

Ten twenty twenty

The eagles used their hand to stains our Leafs  with blood But...

Every heads and legs stood firm flying helter  skelter at a spot singing and holding hands with every skirts and trousers against the eagles that took our pride without a single price.

There comes they come romancing their trumpet Ta kiki Ta kiki sound against us. Staining our valueless golden leafs we called our pride. Alas to those that fall.

Their deed.....too bad, alas, we're sad. No Paton, no charcoal, no eagles head we came to asked for long life in our land. To build The City of Tomorrow for us all.

Wherefore is our pride to boost we're home in our land?

Ten twenty twenty was once open a time.


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