SaintDiamond Great

SaintDiamond Great's Profile

SaintDiamond Great
Tuesday 18 June 2024

All I Know Is Jesus

In the depths of my darkness, He is my light

In the silence of my sorrow, He is my sight

In the chaos of my fears, He is my peace

In the wilderness of my doubts, He is my release


His love is my anchor, my refuge and my guide

His grace is my solace, my comfort and my pride

His mercy is my salvation, my hope and my stay

His presence is my heaven, my home, my way


All I know is Jesus, His name is my prayer

All I know is Jesus, His love is my care

All I know is Jesus, His grace is my song

All I know is Jesus, He is where I belong


In His eyes, I see forgiveness, in His arms, I find rest

In His heart, I hear whispers, of a love that's always best

He is my everything, my Savior, my King

All I know is Jesus, and that's all I need to sing










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