Makinde Adeniyi

Biography: Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi is a Prince, Physician (by training), Poet, and Author. He has published 2 poetry anthologies titled "Night Marauders and Other Poems," published by Carrot Publishers in 2022, and "Echoes from the Savannah," published by Amazon in 2024. He is currently working on another poetry anthology. He writes poems about social issues, culture, nature, love, and medicine. Some of his poems are Afrocentric in nature with a tilt towards the Yoruba culture and tradition.

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Makinde Adeniyi
Monday 7 October 2024



Olè! Olè!! Olè!!!
Petrol spattered
Strike the match!
Let him burn! A born brute
Bringing brawl, bruises and blood

Death! Death!! Death!!!
They chanted
No mercy
I saw violence in their vision
Venom in their voice

Stench of burning flesh, choking
Death, slow and agonising
Mercy took to flight
When the devil seized the wheels

When it rained
Shea butter made fun of the
Salt, forgetting that
After the rain comes


From Echoes from the Savannah © Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi, 2024


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