Naija Poetry

Biography: Naija Poetry

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Naija Poetry
Sunday 16 June 2019

Blade of Secrets

Her mind was a map
A map that lead to secrects untold
Her mind was a guide who couldn't see quite clear
Guided her in the wrong direction one too many times
She picked up the blade
So thin like paper and crisp like a sword
She looked at the blade like a box sealed shut
Wondering what was hidden inside,
she tried to open that box against her skin but the only thing that crumbled were the seams of her flesh
Turns out the blade wasn't a box but a key opening treasures that were better left unseen
She found the secrects that the blade held
Unfortunately her drunk mind lead her to one last decision that will turn that blade into much more than a key and guide her to treasures far away from reality


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