Chuks Moks

Chuks Moks's Profile

Chuks Moks
Friday 5 April 2024


Big Mama;

A woman and more,

Her smile takes away a million worries,

Her tears heals broken heart,

She always loves,

Always cares and always supports.

Big Mama;

A 20th Century Mother Theresa,

Lack disappears at Her presence,

Her presence makes festivities like Christmas make sense;

Hampers and gift items,

Big meals that does rekindle

the fire of love in the family.

Big Mama;

You will always be treasured,

You´ve left an indelible mark in our hearts,

We pray we can replicate all you exemplified and taught us,

We pray We uphold Your Love Legacy

We love you and will always love you.


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