Charlie Thomas

Charlie Thomas's Profile

Charlie Thomas
Tuesday 10 December 2019


Without equal standard, yet ye have not infinite hair. With your expressions, ye ask of my mind.
Repeat the opposites of what I enjoy; I whisper silently and sarcastically, in self disagreement.
Can I be understood when there are no ears? I cackle to the mental void.
Ye, made of titanium and we of dirty phosphor be knownest; does that not explain hatred? Thy jealousy fills silence.
My walk: I know ye hate and refuse. Thy refuge!
The very thing which enslaves, grants Majestic views.
Assuredly the views temp ye not. Ye hath not yet a body, and you bang on eternity.
There; I see a mirror in ye. Your radiation is certain. Through the wall ye pass: Invisible are ye!
I know you are aware. You think no more. Door.......There...... cJT


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