Abdulmuiz Wale-Yusuph

Abdulmuiz Wale-Yusuph's Profile

Abdulmuiz Wale-Yusuph
Monday 2 October 2023


One Nigeria my country

I want to talk about the diversity

Do you know about her beauty

Please don't make it filthy

Let take up an activity

And show how much we love the country

Nigeria no disaster

Oh God listen to our prayer

Please take this country higher

And make it much better

People think we are in danger

Not knowing we are truly wiser

Oh God take us higher

And answer our prayer

People say we complain

Not knowing we are plain

Then back in the rain

We worked with pain

On the hand the chain

When they used whip to cane

Feels like we may go insane

Oh God stop the pain

Now am dreaming again

Seeing Nigeria rewarded with gain

Nigerians don't abandon your culture

To make us greater in the future

Our heritage Nigeria to nuture

Through the fire we can still come forth pure

Victories of our great past still in our brain

And we cannot forget the pain

When the whips caused the sprain

May our prayer not be in vain

Though I cannot explain

Why Nigerians are still in pain

And when can we see the gain

Of all they have done becoming vain

Everyday cry and pain 

With crime and sprain

Nigeria show what you got

And don't leave a dot


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