Usman Tijani

Biography: I am a budding poet: leaping for creativity.

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Usman Tijani
Sunday 9 May 2021

Anticipated Coming

}}>>>>{ The Lord of Armageddon }<<<<<{{

                  Before Antichrist

                       .2999 BAC

CNN releases a video

Telecasted for 30 minutes (globally),

Humanoids, robots, androids; under 

Sun, viewing the projection.

“We have waited for centuries!”;

To make this global announcement.

And here is the news...

“The icebergs in Antarctica are melting

Faster, thousand times faster than ever.

Dormant volcanoes are ready to purge

Than the active ones. The Earth's surface

Are flat, no highlands or lowlands.”

Rivers have no catch, fishes have cursed

The ground, Pacific ocean has evanesced;

Except the salty Red Sea that calls for famine.

High rate of cannibalism, in

South America and Western Africa and

Gradually spreading to Asia and Europe.

Human race is ‘in threat’ of extinction.

Theists, atheists, agnostics,

No one is exempted from this plight,

Let's forfeit beliefs and embrace humanity.

This is the time to stay stronger as One.

“The Main News Now!”

Any minute from this moment,

We could be invaded by one-man-army!

(The Incoming of Antichrist).

He is back to conquer and as

Promised by CNN News cable

To release a Video before his arrival.

This is it and (report has it that)

He was recently seen in Dubai–

“We shouldn't pan****”

The telecommunications ceased.

Earth succumbed to eclipse.

A “dire” never predicted by geophysicists.

Three moons spotted above Burj Khalifa.

A bright figure descended slowly;

Its brightness touched every corner,

His tail spread like of Maleficent

And landed safely on Statue of Liberty.

With a fixed eye on forehead

And zero nostrils and ears; he's

The weirdest alien ever witnessed by man.

And suddenly, the televisons twitched...

His horrible face covered the screens,

As upgraded face-signal-detectors;

Deduced his moving cheek for a voice.

It translated to available earthy languages.

It aired for just 7 seconds

And his words were;

“I am the Antichrist, the one-eyed God

Of Life and Death, you worship me,

You get exalted, you dare me, you

Die a million times with no burial!”

Just (LET ME IN)

And there was total blackout.

A moment later,

Horrific cries and bloodsheds bathed

The streets Of Israel and Palestine;

Same as in Soweto and Lagos,

Same in Berlin and Brussels.

Same in Rio De Janeiro and Mexico.

As Christ waited with his Sword

With the 10, 000 trained armies against

The One-Man-Army!

He threw his helmet and rage towards

Antichrist who had killed his own followers.

On his chest was a hebrew tattoo

T h a t    t r a n s l a t e d–

The Lord of Armageddon

Thiy JK©

27/03/2021 {11:00am} WAT


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