Nurudeen Lukman ishola

Nurudeen Lukman ishola's Profile

Nurudeen Lukman ishola
Thursday 30 January 2025

Forbidden poem

The poet dozed and let fall his pen

But quick are his fingers to pick it up

So he settles in a dark shade to write

The forbidden poem

The forbidden poem is tongue that speaks

Of the injustice and ills of the society

The poet hand shakes but his mind is made

To write the forbidden poem

He wield his pen as though it's a sword

He could damage and repair with written words

He scribbled creatively on every soul

The forbidden poem

The forbidden poem points at no hair

But the guilt read and feels the sting

He declares the poet his friendly foe

For writing the forbidden poem

The forbidden poem is a voice that speaks

Of the injustice and ills of the society

The poet hand shakes but his mind is made

To write the forbidden poem


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