Benedict Ugor

Biography: A writer, artist and poet. Philosophical. "I love my world: Pen and Paper."

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Benedict Ugor
Saturday 30 March 2024

Let it stay

Even as I drift along this raging tide,

Even as strong winds blow me off my feet,

Even as heavy rains drench me from all sides,

Even as the blazing sun makes me grit my teeth.


May I not drift away from you

O lovely world of pen and paper.

May I not leave the queue

That seeks to learn and grow wise.


May I not lose my infant mind;

Those curious looking eyes

That always roam the skies.

May I not lose those flames

That always burn

And make me run.


Whether in dark days or cold nights;

High mountains or sloping valleys;

Raging seas or still waters;

Arid lands or flush green forests;

My little world will stay.


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