John Chinaka Onyeche

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John Chinaka Onyeche
Sunday 12 July 2020

Great Men Of Valour

Great Men Of Valour

Awaken this morning
Your thought struck me within
A brother in the battle field
A compatriot less valued
A battle of no returns you fights
You are not forgotten my hero
Your greatness is seen each day
Great men of valour

My peace keeps you awaken
From the sweetness of the night
There in the middle of the forest
You live like the beast of the jungle
Forgotten your abodes far from home
Journeyed into the shadowless deserts
Finding peace not only hopeful of it
Great men of valour

You die for the peace of the nation
You surrender to the call up for war
The battle lines you drawn not either
Daily you willed up to defend your own
For the love you have to a nation
You abandon your home and loved the forest
Great men of valour

You are not forgotten by any of us
Leaders of the nation you stood by
Everyone has forgotten your usefulness
Everyone seeks for their people
You are not a people to them now
You fight and find solace in the field
A battle you never knew about
Great men of valour

At every sound in the forest
You pay attention to hear from
Not to be counted amongst the fallen
Daily there is a crime committed against you
You're yet to be set free from their nets
The heads that never fits the crown
Too tender to attain the right to live
Great men of valour

Your heavenly abode awaits you
Though you die today in the field
Never be remembered by your own
Let it be known to you that you lived
And you defended the way you know best
Refused to die as a coward but a hero
Amongst men you are
Great men of valour

© John Chinaka Onyeche 


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