Femi Ashamo

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Femi Ashamo
Monday 2 April 2018

A woman shouldn't stare

Once again those eyes will rest upon me

I do not know what they want

They keep staring now and on, back and forth they go

The eyes of a lady are ambiguous to watch

They are iridescent in emotions i wonder what they want

Is she confused trying to play on my emotions and get them confused?

Is she in love does she think of us both as a clove of love?

Again the stare!

My eyes flee from her stare

Even distant from her line of sight i can feel her eyes on me as i leave the site

A woman shouldn’t stare it can cause a man emotional wear

In my room it took me on for hours

The light of those eyes even at night it shook me

It took me into the place i am now at

Evading, avoiding the limelight: her line of sight

A woman shouldn’t smile and stare

Its not good for a man we do not understand what it says

Next time she shoud leave a note and we will get back to her.


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