Goodness Ibeh

Biography: Love art mainly poetry and dance

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Goodness Ibeh
Saturday 18 April 2020

My first kiss


How can I forget this day

The day my body was left with nothing to say

And my soul for minutes was flown away

Suddenly my lips were lead astray

So far from each other as he made its way

At that moment my hands froze as my lips betray

Yearning and longing for more as to allay

Tongues met on the way and  decided to stay

Eyes shut as the hands decided to make its play

Gently the heads tilted for the body to convey

In a manner of a dance especially that of ballet

It deepens this time in search for its pay

Leaving my body to shiver like a prey

Then suddenly I felt His hands move gradually before it stopped half way

Then continued again this time with more vigor as my body had no choice but to obey




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