Chinwe Akpom

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Chinwe Akpom
Friday 12 March 2021



I turned my head with great delight and joy, 

My phone just beeped a joyful song; I smile. 

My moolah or 'ego' has just landed. 

"This life I can't kill myself", echoed loud.

I quickly decked my cap and wore my slides, 

Never to be caught unfresh; Then I stopped

I laugh as I remember Kabiru, 

And Musbau, And Bolu, even Emeka. 

Next thing, we are uploading our status, 

With captions like, 'chop life geng', 'ice on neck'

Everywhere was filled with 'E choke!', 'Kpk'

We were all happy except Sapa, I believe. 

Now Sapa don famz me; Why Sapa? Why? 

Ahhh God, it really restrict my air flow.




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