Owen Hamalala

Biography: My name is owen hamalala am from zambia Am a poet who writes from within Writing poems is something i keep doing And i also draw

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Owen Hamalala
Monday 17 February 2025

Silence voices

Wen all is said  and done !!

Listen the voice of silence 🔕

As the truth turns into illusion 

And our life a bittersweet lie 

Our emotions a distorted smile

Of nothing but wasted year 

That have been washed away

 by the sands of time


Listen to the voice of silence 

As Humanity embraces its inner beast 

Stick and stone my broke my bones 

But words kill 

You see the devil will give you so much 

Love he will infect you With so much affection that you would want to spend 

The last  day in hell

 In a world were purpose is forgotten

We're a man seeks Fame , rather than a good name 

We're the is no shame in the process

As long as you get the proceed the end justifies the needs

We have been trained in the art of deceit

We nolonger know how to stand for the truth

Even in death we never speak the truth 

I think that's the reason on the grave it's written here He/she liars 

We leave in a world were our dreams will find you sleeping planting the hopes our tomorrow

In death beds 

Life seems like a prison


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