Makinde Adeniyi

Biography: Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi is a Prince, Physician (by training), Poet, and Author. He has published 2 poetry anthologies titled "Night Marauders and Other Poems," published by Carrot Publishers in 2022, and "Echoes from the Savannah," published by Amazon in 2024. He is currently working on another poetry anthology. He writes poems about social issues, culture, nature, love, and medicine. Some of his poems are Afrocentric in nature with a tilt towards the Yoruba culture and tradition.

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Makinde Adeniyi
Monday 23 December 2024

A New Hope

A New Hope

Straddling waves, changing tides Turbulent sea, bumpy ride Still, the anchor holds To destination progress Wake up and smell the morning It's the dawn of a new day Clear blue sky, bright new morn Sun smiling in sweet splendour The aroma of a fresh hope Greets the nose with lingering incense Savour the dish Dine and be full Life is what we make of it Arm yourself with knowledge and truth Harm ignorance and falsehood Salt and sugar look alike but Taste different Come with nothing Fight for everything Return with spoils Like the spreading ripples At the drop of a pebble Life is but a riddle

From Echoes from the Savannah © Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi, 2024


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