Owen Hamalala

Biography: My name is owen hamalala am from zambia Am a poet who writes from within Writing poems is something i keep doing And i also draw

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Owen Hamalala
Monday 17 February 2025

Untitled thoughts

So let me reintroduce myself as the poetic samurai as I cut through the tragic of life 

As humanity embraces  it's inner beast ,

And we became monsters of our own making

What you see is what you get ! Life is an illusion 

And to see through the lenses of life you need a covenant eye

For all we see in this life is  the evil that lives in the heart of men As brother guns down brothers 

Our sisters seeking for money pleasure from these diabetes over grown men as boy friend so they diabetic income is insufficient of insulin to reduce the sugar income .

Like our men of God (prophesying the the unseen version) digging deeper for deep pockets sugar coated phrase of fraud

With heavy tithes  on offer

Let me not run away from what we have become humanity has become more 

Dangerous than the wild animals

So don't let me cut the truth into the lies we tell ourselves wen we go to sleep 

We have become brain dead 

Our brain cell will only comprehend money and sex 

We betrayed kisses in exchange for selfies as 

Desires become selfish

Teenage get sex before sex ads

As my thoughts constantly hit on paper to rewrite the past


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