Owen Hamalala

Biography: My name is owen hamalala am from zambia Am a poet who writes from within Writing poems is something i keep doing And i also draw

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Owen Hamalala
Thursday 20 February 2025

Untitled poem

When bones can no longer with stand the pressure

We see our eyes luming down the streets of an forgetfulness our souls dripping of sorrows 

A vengeful spirit grows and strikes backs with no rumours of guilt cause a broken soul knows no forgiveness all hopes lost to vadictiveness

When action can no longer fit the act

Cause we are only actors playing role of unforgiveness

And now the stage is bloody.

All hopes washed away in the waves of unforgiveness

Our hearts drips of nothing but decitefullness and vengeance 

But yet we proclaime the gospel of jesus 

Did jesus come to preach unforgiveness and vengeance we now read the Bible to follow suits 

And justify our misdirected hearts, we no longer see the light, now only  darkness fills our empty voids 

 jesus preaches forgiveness, love, hope and mercy 

When jesus hung on the cross and said its finished 

He gave as a chance to choose, through he's lashes on he's back, but still chose to show us, even though he was betrayed by he's own, but still sees the light within us even though we may things we have follen for from he's grace jesus calls he's own 

Forgiveness is better than keeping a grage 

Which can only fill darkness in one's heart 

And give senseless meaning 


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