Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Sunday 20 February 2022

I Am The Victim Of Myself

In my wordless contraption of soul-world
Deep in the voyage of hearts
I hear my infinite self recoil
Speaking in complicated voices
O rushing genes
Flashing back and forth
Like waves of the Atlantic
In the inner latitudes of void
My messages are empty
Filled with wordless capitalisation of souls
I muse from words to words
An imaginative dunce
Quiet when most I should speak
A poor pensive dude
Flexing the emotions of energy
My head the binary of infusions
Of which I write to free my mind
These bright metaphysic lights
Years have flashed me
In a dark expedition of solitude
Whose abstract epitome
I am the victim of myself.

                               -poems ofCollins Aiterebhe


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