Owen Hamalala

Biography: My name is owen hamalala am from zambia Am a poet who writes from within Writing poems is something i keep doing And i also draw

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Owen Hamalala
Thursday 20 February 2025


Today saves as a reminder 

That the past is a road we have 


The past is a constance reminder that forgiveness is the only way we can move forward its painted with stained dreams and broken promises 

Were we have planned our hope in death bed hoping thay we would grow seeds for the future 

Let our hope fly like the eagle  let our joy find laughter 

As we laugh likr our mouth is a factory of laughing gas 

Yesterday is the determint of our 2omoro our missy or joy is determind by our yesterday lets be sharpad of our yesterday 


Because forgiveness was the gift given 

Before you ever thought to plead  and use your tears 

To get it 

If only you only new the treasure you are through the father's eyes

You see 

Jesus loves you

 through him we are saved 

For all that are called sinner's through him are 


A new life begins and the old is redeemed

And I will trust you wen it seems they is no hope 


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