John Chinaka Onyeche

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John Chinaka Onyeche
Friday 24 July 2020

The Lad's Cries

The Lad's Cries

I run every nooks and crannies
Looking for you that wasn't found in me
Because I knew that you weren't here
But at the discovery of you I cooled off

I run and climbed every mountain
Houses built by nature free handedly
Seeking like the geologist's plate tectonic
The force behind the growing mountains

I run and erupts like the lavatory
The hot lava that escapes the earth top
And causes the volcanism on the surface
I seek to erupt the inner man from within

I run as fast as I could be with fright
Like a loaded gun that fires without end
Killing all the enemies that approaches
Seeking the advance of the next move

Till knowing becomes my soul within
And wisdom be found on this tapestry
Journey of this thousand miles away
Knowledge at last beckons at the lad's cries

© John Chinaka Onyeche 


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