Makinde Adeniyi

Biography: Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi is a Prince, Physician (by training), Poet, and Author. He has published 2 poetry anthologies titled "Night Marauders and Other Poems," published by Carrot Publishers in 2022, and "Echoes from the Savannah," published by Amazon in 2024. He is currently working on another poetry anthology. He writes poems about social issues, culture, nature, love, and medicine. Some of his poems are Afrocentric in nature with a tilt towards the Yoruba culture and tradition.

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Makinde Adeniyi
Wednesday 16 October 2024

Time and Chance

Time and chance Faith and fate Strive succeed, relax regress The charm of beauty And the pride of life Are often the fortress of loneliness And vast sadness Time and chance Faith and fate The heart is the real deal Beyond the veil is the seal For only in you lies the verity Time is a tyrant Chance has no script Time and Chance Faith and fate Mingling in the matrix of the mind Face your fears, feed your faith Soar like the Eagle, conquer space Take the plunge, dear to float In adversary lies victory

From Echoes from the Savannah © Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi, 2024


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