Emeka Williams Etumnu

Emeka Williams Etumnu's Profile

Emeka Williams Etumnu
Friday 30 October 2020

Drop of tears

As I scribble a tribute

With my quill 

Deep in the ink of pain

Drop of tears roll down

My cheek decorated in sadness

My paper is soaked with tears

Tears deep down my soul

As I see your picture formed from the teary liquid

Oh Onyinyechi-the gift of God

A beautiful gift roughly handled

By Doctors and Nurses

Who prefer Telemundo

Over their dying patient

Oh what a mess!

What did your Hippocratic stuff say?

Can a saner medic tell me?

Efforts to save you, fruitless

Oxygen they gave you, meaningless

Three years gone

Yet memory like three days

A life without your vibes,new phase

Oh that fateful day, I remember

Yes 5th of September

We cried

As you died

Thought of you coming up again

As we grappled with the pain

Oh Onyinyechi rest

I say rest

©️✍🏻 Etumnu Emeka Williams



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