Sofiat Oladuntoye

Sofiat Oladuntoye 's Profile

Sofiat Oladuntoye
Monday 8 March 2021

/maɪ mjuːz/

I tried to write you a book,

But found my pen lost in the heart of a poem.

I tried to paint you in a canvas,

But you found your way to my heart.

All over again.

The winds whispers wide willy witty witty words,

But your husky deep voice my ear crave more.

The breeze blows beautiful blue blunt air,

But your husky deep voice my ear crave more.

The bed i find no more succour in,

As your chest is now my want and wish,

Your strong arms the softest pillow there is,

Your touch a balm to my aching soul.

So come back soon,

My black beautiful awesome muse.


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