Owoidoho Elijah

Biography: Am a young poet who has great dreams of becoming one of the greatest poets alive. At age 9 i have written over 50 poems and have written two books Though Poetry doesn't thrive in Nigeria, but i pray a time will come where my talents shall be awarded and celebrated i still remain #debar

Owoidoho Elijah's Profile

Owoidoho Elijah
Monday 14 November 2022

Talents by de bar

Everyone says my gift is rare.

Not everyone has it but you could if you dare.

I have it and that’s all I care.

People take surprises when I speak that’s why they all stare.

I tell them that who we all are.

Do not misuse your talent.

Make sure it is not buried in a tent.

If you play with it people can use it as a rent.

Your gift is special if you don’t make it bent.

If it’s bent people will treat you like a vent.

Your talent is special it was not lent.



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