Ralph Okafor

Biography: I am a short pencil in the hands of a writing God sending a love message to the world.

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Ralph Okafor
Tuesday 11 January 2022

Deaths Harrasing Thoughts

I have stood beside eternity in countless times,

Stranded beside the graves of those I truly love,

(Mama Ngbonkwo, my fondest grandparents Ba AND Nne, and my dad)

Slow and low, as they are lowered into the ground.

As I caretake in this moment immersed in the particulars.

The good old days seem out of reach.

Only memories of the deceased.

I am not a stranger to the grave.

the prospect of death is a burden that I carry.

I have been trying to climb out of that hole.

and ruin the thought of an open casket.

But the more I try the more I fall back inside.


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