U Jacob Akegh

U Jacob Akegh 's Profile

U Jacob Akegh
Sunday 2 July 2023


Lonely in a room full of friends,
Surrounded by laughter that never ends,
But my heart feels heavy as a stone,
As I sit here feeling all alone.

The noise around me is deafening,
But my thoughts are louder, more unsettling,
I try to blend in, to join the fun,
But my mind wanders, I'm on the run.

I see their smiles and happy faces,
But inside, my heart is in dark places,
I wonder if they truly know,
The pain I feel, the sorrow that grows.

Loneliness can be so suffocating,
Even in a crowd, it's isolating,
I long for someone to understand,
To hold my hand, to take my stand.

But until then, I'll sit here and wait,
For the courage to speak, to articulate,
That I'm lonely in a room full of friends,
And hope that they'll help me make amends.
                                           Akegh U Jacob


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