Afeh Aaserhna

Afeh Aaserhna's Profile

Afeh Aaserhna
Saturday 31 March 2018

Tales by Moonlight

I remember how we

Used to long for such nights.

Under the starry dark night, sat we

On leather skins and raffia mats

Cuddling our breasts with robed arms

Fondling the warmth enveloped

In our protruding bellies.

We had moments earlier

Stood up from a stumptous meal

Of amala married with a

Steamy bitter-leaf infested egusi sauce.

The day on its sickbed,

With eyelids heavy with death

Four more hours and a half

Before the morrow comes

Riding in the wake of dawn.

The time is ripe for a little peep

At evening leisure

For when sleep comes calling,

Her summons: for a date with our beds,

We cannot help then but die with today.

With eyes open and heads

Cocked at an informative angle,

We listen in rapt attention

For it is Mother’s turn to tell a story

Tonight’s special – another tortoise’s adventure. be continued.

(Written Aug 2006)

Photo by Billy Huynh on Unsplash


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