Yusuf Dauda

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Yusuf Dauda
Saturday 26 June 2021

Book Of Hope

Book Of Hope


On my bird I took this hope

Wisdom and knowledge I

Trailed; this book of hope i

Fray for; the old story never

Forgotten "Children leaders 

of tomorrow"


Through turmoils I kept the 

Dreams for mama is alive to 

see the success; the future 

keeps dangling and the  

mirror take  a slits steps to 



I almost grow a silver hair 

thought, is still black but 

Three decade Is gone still

Believe in this book of hope;

My joy is to see Mama feast 

from the pot of wisdom


This book of hope I love 

but almost mar through the 

hand of a tyrant, though is 

Democrat but its flames burn 

than the Junta; this book of hope

I cherish for I know I'll be refine

at the end. 


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